Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90

Автор(ы):William H. Press
Год изд.:2002
Описание: Fortran 90 is not just the long-awaited updating of the Fortran language to modern computing practices. It is also the vanguard of a much larger revolution in computing, that of multiprocessor computers and widespread parallel programming. Parallel computing has been a feature of the largest supercomputers for quite some time. Now, however, it is rapidly moving towards the desktop. As we watched the gestation and birth of Fortran 90 by its governing "X3J3 Committee" (a process interestingly described by a leading committee member, Michael Metcalf, in the Foreword that follows), it became clear to us that the right moment for moving Numerical Recipes from Fortran 77 to Fortran 90 was sooner, rather than later.
Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90 Обложка книги.
21 Introduction to Fortran 90 Language Features [935]
  21.0 Introduction [935]
  21.1 Quick Start: Using the Fortran 90 Numerical Recipes Routines [936]
  21.2 Fortran 90 Language Concepts [937]
  21.3 More on Arrays and Array Sections [941]
  21.4 Fortran 90 Intrinsic Procedures [945]
  21.5 Advanced Fortran 90 Topics [953]
  21.6 And Coming Soon: Fortran 95 [959]
22 Introduction to Parallel Programming [962]
  22.0 Why Think Parallel? [962]
  22.1 Fortran 90 Data Parallelism: Arrays and Intrinsics [964]
  22.2 Linear Recurrence and Related Calculations [971]
  22.3 Parallel Synthetic Division and Related Algorithms [977]
  22.4 Fast Fourier Transforms [981]
  22.5 Missing Language Features [983]
23 Numerical Recipes Utility Functions for Fortran 90 [987]
  23.0 Introduction and Summary Listing [987]
  23.1 Routines That Move Data [990]
  23.2 Routines Returning a Location [992]
  23.3 Argument Checking and Error Handling [994]
  23.4 Routines for Polynomials and Recurrences [996]
  23.5 Routines for Outer Operations on Vectors [1000]
  23.6 Routines for Scatter with Combine [1002]
  23.7 Routines for Skew Operations on Matrices [1004]
  23.8 Other Routines [1007]
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