Color atlas and textbook of human anatomy. Vol.1: locomotor system

Автор(ы):Kahle W., Leonhardt H., Platzer W.
Год изд.:1986
Описание: A well-balanced combination of a full-fledged anatomic atlas and textbook, eminently useful to students and medical practitioners alike. Skilful visual approach to anatomy, which is a must in every physician's education, is happily wedded to a lucid text juxtaposed page by page to magnificent multicolor illustrations in such a manner that the concise description of the functional aspects of anatomy provideslet a useful guide for the perceptive student. Aspects of physiology and biochemistry are included to the extent they have a bearing on the material presented.
Color atlas and textbook of human anatomy. Vol.1: locomotor system Обложка книги.
General Anatomy [1]
  Partsof the Body [2]
  General Terms [2]
    Principal Axes [2]
    Principal Planes [2]
    Directions in Space [2]
    Directions of Movement [2]
  Cells [4]
    Cytoplasm [4]
    Cell Nucleus [6]
    Vital Function of Cells [6]
  Tissues [8]
  Epithelial Tissue [8]
  Connective and Supporting Tissues [10]
    Connective Tissue [10]
    Cartilage [12]
    Bone [14]
  Development of Bone [16]
  Muscle [18]
  General Features of the Skeleton [20]
  Joints Between Bones [22]
    Continuous Joints Between Bones [22]
    Discontinuous Joints Between Bones [24]
  General Myology [30]
    Auxiliary Features of Muscles [32]
    Investigation of Muscle Function [32]
Systematic Anatomy of the Locomotor Apparatus [35]
  Vertebral Column [36]
    Cervical Vertebrae [36]
    Thoracic Vertebrae [40]
    Lumbar Vertebrae [42]
    Sacrum [46]
    Coccyx [48]
    Ossification of Vertebrae [52]
    Intervertebral Disks [54]
    Ligaments of the Vertebral Column [56]
    Joints of the Vertebral Column [58]
    Vertebral Column Considered as a Whole [62]
  Thorax [64]
    Ribs [64]
    Sternum [66]
    Joints of the Ribs [68]
    Movements of the Thorax [70]
  Intrinsic Muscles of the Back [72]
    Lateral Tract [72]
    Medial Tract [74]
    Short Muscles of the Nape of the Neck [76]
  Body Wall [78]
    Thoracolumbar Fascia [78]
    Migrant Ventrolateral Muscles [78]
  Prevertebral Muscles [80]
    Scalene Muscles [80]
  Muscles of the Thorax [82]
    Intercostals [82]
  Abdominal Wall [84]
    Superficial Abdominal Muscles [84]
    Function of the Superficial Abdominal Musculature [90]
    Fasciae of Abdominal Wall [92]
    Deep Abdominal Muscles [94]
    Sites of Weakness in the Abdominal Wall [96]
    Abdominal Wall from Inside [98]
  Diaphragm [102]
    Position and Function of the Diaphragm [104]
    Sites of Diaphragmatic Hernias [104]
  Pelvic Floor [106]
    Pelvic Diaphragm [106]
    Urogenital Diaphragm [106]
  Bones, Ligaments, Joints [108]
    Scapula [108]
    Clavicle [110]
    Joints of the Shoulder Girdle [110]
    Humerus [112]
    Shoulder Joint [114]
    Radius [116]
    Ulna [116]
    Elbow Joint [118]
    Distal Radioulnar Joint [120]
    Continuous Fibrous Joint Between Radius and Ulna [120]
    Carpus [122]
    Individual Bones of the Carpus [124]
    Bones of the Metacarpus and Digits [126]
    Radiocarpal and Midcarpal Joints [128]
    Movements in the Radiocarpal and Midcarpal Joints [130]
    Carpometacarpal Joint of the Thumb [132]
    Carpometacarpal Joints [132]
    Intermetacarpal Joints [132]
    Metacarpophalangeal and Digital Joints [132]
  Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle and Upper Arm [134]
    Classification of the Muscles [134]
  Shoulder Muscles Inserted on the Humerus [136]
    Dorsal Muscle Group [136]
    Ventral Muscle Group [140]
  Immigrant Trunk Muscles Inserting on the Shoulder Girdle [142]
    Dorsal Muscle Group [142]
    Ventral Muscle Group [144]
  Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle [146]
    Classification According to Function [146]
  Fascias and Spaces in the Shoulder Girdle Region [150]
    Fascias [150]
    Special Spaces in the Shoulder Region (Axillary Spaces and Axilla) [150]
  Upper Arm Muscles [152]
    Ventral Muscle Group [152]
    Dorsal Muscle Group [154]
  Forearm Muscles [156]
    Classification of the Muscles [156]
    Superficial Layer of the Ventral Forearm Muscles [158]
    Deep Layer of the Ventral Forearm Muscles [160]
    Radial Group Includes three Muscles which Act as Flexors at the Elbow Joint [162]
    Superficial (Ulnar) Layer of the Dorsal Forearm Muscles [164]
    Deep Layer of Dorsal Forearm Muscles [166]
  Muscles of the Elbow Joint and the Forearm [168]
    Classification According to Function [168]
  Muscles of the Hand [170]
    Classification According to Function [170]
  Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand [172]
    Muscles of the Metacarpus [172]
    Thenar Muscles [174]
    Palmar Aponeurosis and Hypothenar Muscles [176]
  Fascias and Special Features [178]
    Fascias [178]
    Tendon sheats [180]
  Bones. Ligaments. Joints [182]
    Hip Bone [182]
    Junctions Between the Bones of the Pelvis [184]
    Morphology of the Bony Pelvis [184]
  Orientation of the Pelvis and Sex Differences [186]
    Femur [188]
    Patella [190]
    Femur [192]
    Hip Joint [194]
    Tibia [198]
    Fibula [200]
    Knee Joint [202]
    Attidude of Lower Limb [210]
    Connections Between the Tibia and the Fibula [210]
    Bones of the Foot [212]
    Bones at the Foot [216]
    Joints of the Foot [218]
    Morphology and Function of the Skeleton of the Foot [222]
    Plantar Arch [224]
    Foot Shapes [226]
  Muscles of the Hip and Thigh [228]
    Classification of the Muscles [228]
  Hip Muscles [230]
    Dorsal Hip Muscles [232]
    Ventral Hip Muscles [234]
  Thigh Muscles [236]
    Adductors of the Thigh [238]
  Hip Muscles [240]
    Classification According to Function [240]
  Thigh Muscles [244]
    Anterior Thigh Muscles [244]
    Posterior Thigh Muscles [246]
  Muscles of the Knee Joint [248]
    Classification According to Function [248]
  Fascias of the Hip and Thigh [250]
  Long Muscles of the Leg and the Foot [252]
    Classification of the Muscles [252]
  Leg Muscles [254]
    Extensor Group [254]
    Peroneal Group [256]
    Posterior Leg Muscles. Superficial Layer [258]
    Posterior Leg Muscles. Deep Layer [260]
  Talocrural. Subtalar and Talocalcaneonavicular Joint Muscles [262]
    Classification According to Function [262]
  Intrinsic Muscles of the Foot [264]
    Muscles of the Dorsum of the Foot [264]
    Muscles of the Sole of the Foot [266]
  Fascias of the Leg [272]
  Tendon Sheaths in the Foot [274]
  Skull [276]
    Ossification otthe Skull [276]
    Special Features of Intramembranous Ossification [278]
    Calvaria [280]
    Lateral View of the Skull [282]
    Posterior View of the Skull [284]
    Anterior View of the Skull [286]
    Inferior View of the Skull [288]
    Interior View of the Base of the Skull [290]
    Common Variants of the Interior Surface of the Base of the Skull [292]
    Sites of Transmission for Vessels and Nerves [294]
    Mandible [296]
    Shape of Mandible [298]
    Hyoid Bone [298]
    Orbital Cavity [300]
    Nasal Cavity [302]
    Skull Shapes [304]
    Special Skull Shapes and Sutures [306]
    Accessory Bones of the Skull [308]
    Temporomandibular Joint [310]
  Muscles of the Head [312]
    Mimetic Muscles of the Scalp [312]
    Mimetic Muscles in the Region of the Palpebral Fissure [314]
    Mimetic Muscles in the Nasal Region [314]
    Mimetic Muscles in the Region of the mouth [316]
    Muscles of Mastication [318]
  Anterior Muscles of the Neck [320]
    Infrahyoid Muscles [320]
  Musclesof the Head [322]
    Attachment to the Shoulder Girdle [322]
  Fascias of the Neck [324]
Topography of Peripheral Pathways [327]
  Head and Neck [328]
    Regions [328]
    Anterior Facial Regions [330]
    Orbital Region [332]
    Lateral Facial Regions [334]
    Infratemporal Fossa [336]
    Superior View of the Orbit [338]
    Occipital and Nuchal Regions [340]
    Suboccipital Triangle [340]
    Parapharyngeal and Retropharyngeal Spaces [342]
    Submandibular Triangle [344]
    Retromandibular Fossa [346]
    Middle Regionof the Neck [348]
    Thyroid Region [350]
    Ventrolateral Regions of the Neck [352]
    Scalenovertebral Triangle [360]
  Upper Limb [362]
    Regions [362]
    Deltopectoral Triangle [364]
    Axillary Region [366]
    Axillary Spaces [368]
    Anterior Brachial Region [370]
    Cubital Fossa [374]
    Anterior Antebrachial Region [378]
    Wrist. Palmar Surface [380]
    Palm of the Hand [380]
    Dorsum of the Hand [384]
    Radial foveola [384]
  Lower Limb [386]
    Regions [386]
    Subinguinal Region [388]
    Saphenous Hiatus [390]
    Gluteal Region [392]
    Anterior Femoral Region [396]
    Posterior Femoral Region [400]
    Popliteal Fossa [402]
    Anterior Region of the Leg [406]
    Posterior Region of the Leg [408]
    Medial retromalleolar Region [410]
    Dorsum of the Foot [412]
    Soleof the Foot [414]
Literature [418]
Index [426]
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