Color atlas and textbook of human anatomy. Vol.3: nervous system and sensory organs

Автор(ы):Kahle W., Leonhardt H., Platzer W.
Год изд.:1986
Описание: This volume provides not only an introduction to the basic structure of the nervous system but also a simple, short review of our present state of knowledge which has been so greatly increased during the last decades by the results of electron microscopy, histochemistry and electrophysiol-ogy. Although a strict morphologist may view the inclusion of electrophysiological findings with suspicion, so far as they help to explain the function of neural structures, or permit a topological classification of morphological organisation, they must be taken into account. Such studies are known as "electroanatomy" and form part of neuroanatomy.
Color atlas and textbook of human anatomy. Vol.3: nervous system and sensory organs Обложка книги.
Nervous System [1]
  Introduction [2]
    Development and Classification of the Nervous System [2]
    Position of the Nervous System in the Body [4]
    Development of the Brain [6]
    Brain [8]
    Evolution of the Brain [14]
  Histology [16]
    The Nerve Cell [16]
    Synapse [22]
    Transmitter, Axon Transport [26]
    Neuronal Circuits [30]
    Nerve Fiber [32]
    Development of the Myelin Sheath [34]
    Myelin Sheaths in the Central Nervous System [34]
    Peripheral Nerve [36]
    Neuroglia [38]
    Blood Vessels [40]
  Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves [42]
    Survey [42]
    Structure, Reflexes [44]
    Grey Matter and Intrinsic Pathways [46]
    Transverse Sections of the Spinal Cord [48]
    Ascending Tracts [50]
    Descending Tracts [52]
    Vessels of the Spinal Cord [54]
    Spinal Ganglion and Posterior Roots [56]
    Coverings of the Spinal Cord [58]
    Radicular Innervation [60]
    Spinal Cord Syndromes [62]
    Peripheral Nerves [64]
    Cervicobrachial Plexus [64]
    Cervical Plexus [66]
    Dorsal Rami [66]
    Brachial Plexus [68]
    Supraclavicular Part [68]
    Infraclavicular Part [68]
    Lateral Cord [68]
    Medial Cord [72]
    Posterior Cord [74]
    Nerves of the Trunk [78]
    Lumbrosacral Plexus [80]
    Lumbar Plexus [80]
    Sacral Plexus [84]
    Pudendal Nerve and Coccygeal Plexus [90]
  Brain Stem and Cranial Nerves [92]
    Survey [92]
    Organization [94]
    Cranial Nerves [94]
    Base of the Skull [96]
    Cranial Nerve Nuclei [98]
    Medulla Oblongata [100]
    Pons [102]
    Hypoglossal Nerve [104]
    Accessory Nerve [104]
    Vagus Nerve [106]
    Glossopharyngeal Nerve [110]
    Vestibulocochlear Nerve [112]
    Facial Nerve [114]
    Trigeminal Nerve [116]
    Parasympathetic Ganglia [120]
    Midbrain [124]
    Red Nucleus and Substantia Nigra [128]
    Nerves to the Muscles of the Eye [130]
    Long Tracts [132]
    Reticular Formation [138]
    Histochemistry of the Brain Stem [140]
  Cerebellum [142]
    Organization [142]
    Cerebellar Peduncles, Nuclei [144]
    Cerebellar Cortex [146]
    Neuronal Circuits [150]
    Functional Organization [152]
    Nerve Tracts [154]
  Diencephalon [158]
    Development of the Prosencephalon [158]
    Organization [160]
    Frontal Sections [160]
    Epithalamus [164]
    Dorsal Thalamus [166]
    Subthalamus (Ventral Thalamus) [180]
    Hypothalamus [182]
    Hypothalamus and Hypophysis [188]
    Neuroendocrine System [190]
  Telencephalon [194]
    Organization of the Hemispheres [194]
    Evolution [196]
    Cerebral Lobes [198]
    Frontal Sections [200]
    Horizontal Sections [206]
    Paleocortex [210]
    Amygdaloid Body [212]
    Fiber Connections of the Paleocortex [214]
    Archicortex [216]
    Fiber Connections [218]
    Cortex of the Hippocampus [220]
    Corpus Striatum [222]
    Insula [224]
    Neocortex [226]
    Cortical Fields [228]
    Frontal Lobe [230]
    Parietal Lobe [234]
    Temporal Lobe [236]
    Occipital Lobe [238]
    Fiber Tracts [242]
    Hemispheric Dominance [246]
    Histochemistry of the Forebraln [248]
  Vascular System [250]
    Arteries [250]
    Internal Carotid Artery [252]
    Supply Areas [254]
    Veins [256]
  Cerebrospinal Fluid System [260]
    Survey [260]
    Choroid Plexus [262]
    Ependyma [264]
    Circumventricular Organs [266]
    Meninges [268]
  Vegetative Nervous System [270]
    Survey [270]
    Neuronal Circuits [274]
    Sympathetic Trunk [274]
    Vegetative Nerves [278]
  Functional Systems [282]
    Pyramidal Tract [282]
    Extrapyramidal Motor System [284]
    Motor End-Plates [286]
    Tendon and Muscle Receptors [286]
    Muscle Spindle [288]
    Final Common Motor Pathway [290]
    Cutaneous Sensory Organs [292]
    Pathway of Epicritic Sensibility [296]
    Pathway of Protopathic Sensibility [298]
    Organ of Taste [300]
    Olfactory Organ [304]
    Limbic System [306]
Sensory Organs [311]
  The Eye [312]
    Eyelids and the Orbits [312]
    Eye Muscles [314]
    Survey [316]
    Anterior Part of the Eye [318]
    Vascular Supply [320]
    Posterior Part of the Eye (Fundus) [320]
    Retina [322]
    Photoreceptors [326]
    Optic Pathway [328]
    Topistics of the Optic Tract [330]
    Optic Reflexes [332]
  Organs of Hearing and Balance [334]
    Survey [334]
    External Ear [334]
    Middle Ear [336]
    Internal Ear [340]
    Cochlea [342]
    Organ of Corti [344]
    Organ of Balance [346]
    Vestibular Sensory Cells [348]
    Spiral and Vestibular Ganglia [348]
    Auditory Tract [350]
    Vestibular Tracts [354]
References [356]
Index [362]
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