Fundamentals of human neuropsychology

Автор(ы):Kolb B., Whislaw I.Q.
Год изд.:2003
Описание: The book written by two top researchers, Bryan Kolb and Ian Whishaw's Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology, Fifth Edition guides students on a comprehensive journey of discovery through the realm of contemporary human neuropsychology. It is a remarkable text that makes an extraordinary amount of recent scholarship accessible and compelling, with the authors relying on their extensive teaching experiences to make esoteric and often intimidating subject matter understandable to students. And with its dramatic new art program, new case studies and pedagogy, and new companion Web site, the Fifth Edition provides both the most up-to-date understanding of the field and the most effective ways to teach and learn it.
Fundamentals of human neuropsychology Обложка книги.
Part I
  1 History: The Development of Neuropsyehology
  2. Origins of the Human Brain and Behavior
  3. Organization of the Nervous System
  4. The Structure and Electrical Activity of Neurons
  5. Communication between Neurons
  6. The Influence of Drugs on Behavior
  7. Imaging the Brain's Activity
Part II
  8. Organization of the Sensory System
  9. Organization of the Motor System
  10. Principles of Neocortical Function
  11. Cerebral Asymmetry
  12. Variations in Cerebral Asymmetry
Part III
  13. The Occipital Lobes
  14. The Parietal Lobes
  15. The Temporal Lobes
  16. The Frontal Lobes
  17. Disconnection Syndromes
Part IV
  18. Memory
  19. The Origins of Language
  20. Emotion
  21. Spatial Behavior
  22. Attention, Mental Images, and Consciousness
  23. Brain Development and Plasticity
  24. Developmental Disorders
  25. Plasticity, Recovery, and Rehabilitation of the Adult Brain
  26. Neurological Disorders
  27. Psychiatric and Related Disorders
  28. Neuropsychological Assessment
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