Mеdical physiоlogy
Автор(ы): | Rhoades R. A., Tanner G. A. |
Год изд.: | 2003 |
Описание: | The goal of this second edition of Medical Physiology is to provide a clear, accurate, and up-to-date introduction to medical physiology for medical students and students in the allied health sciences. Physiology, the study of normal function, is key to understanding pathophysiology and pharmacology and is essential to the everyday practice of clinical medicine. This book begins with a discussion of basic physiological concepts, such as homeostasis and cell signaling, in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 covers the cell membrane, membrane transport, and the cell membrane potential. Most of the remaining chapters discuss the different organ systems: nervous, muscle, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal, endocrine, and reproductive physiology. Special chapters on the blood and the liver are included. Chapters on acid-base regulation, temperature regulation, and exercise discuss these complex, integrated functions. The order of presentation of topics follows that of most United States medical school courses in physiology. After the first two chapters, the other chapters can be read in any order, and some chapters may be skipped if the subjects are taught in other courses (e.g., neurobiology or biochemistry). Material on pathophysiology is included throughout the book. This not only reinforces fundamental physiological principles but also demonstrates the relevance of physiology to an understanding of numerous medically important conditions. |
Оглавление: |
![]() CHAPTER 1: Homeostasis and Cellular Signaling Patricia J. Gallagher, Ph.D., and George A. Tanner, Ph.D. CHAPTER 2: The Cell Membrane, Membrane Transport, and the Resting Membrane Potential Stephen A. Kempson, Ph.D. CHAPTER 3: The Action Potential, Synaptic Transmission, and Maintenance of Nerve Function Cynthia J. Forehand, Ph.D. PART II NEUROPHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER 4: Sensory Physiology Richard A. Meiss, Ph.D. CHAPTER 5: The Motor System John C. Kincaid, M.D. CHAPTER 6: The Autonomic Nervous System John C. Kincaid, M.D. CHAPTER 7: Integrative Functions of the Nervous System Cynthia J. Forehand, Ph.D. PART III MUSCLE PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER 8: Contractile Properties of Muscle Cells Richard A. Meiss, Ph.D. CHAPTER 9: Skeletal Muscle and Smooth Muscle Richard A. Meiss, Ph.D. CHAPTER 10: Cardiac Muscle Richard A. Meiss, Ph.D. PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER 11: Blood Components, Immunity, and Hemostasis Denis English, Ph.D. CHAPTER 12: An Overview of the Circulation and Hemodynamics Thorn W. Rooke, M.D., and Harvey V. Sparks, Jr., M.D. CHAPTER 13: The Electrical Activity of the Heart Thorn W. Rooke, M.D., and Harvey V. Sparks, Jr., M.D. CHAPTER 14: The Cardiac Pump Thorn W. Rooke, M.D., and Harvey V. Sparks, Jr., M.D. CHAPTER 15: The Systemic Circulation Thorn W. Rooke, M.D., and Harvey V. Sparks, Jr., M.D. CHAPTER 16: The Microcirculation and the Lymphatic System H. Glenn Bohlen, Ph.D. CHAPTER 17: Special Circulations H. Glenn Bohlen, Ph.D. CHAPTER 18: Control Mechanisms in Circulatory Function Thorn W. Rooke, M.D., and Harvey V. Sparks, Jr., M.D. PART V RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER 19: Ventilation and the Mechanics of Breathing Rodney A. Rhoades, Ph.D. CHAPTER 2O: Pulmonary Circulation and Ventilation-Perfusion Ratio Rodney A. Rhoades, Ph.D. CHAPTER 21: Gas Transfer and Transport Rodney A. Rhoades, Ph.D. CHAPTER 22: The Control of Ventilation Rodney A. Rhoades, Ph.D. PART VI RENAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BODY FLUIDS CHAPTER 23: Kidney Function George A. Tanner, Ph.D. CHAPTER 24: The Regulation of Fluid and Electrolyte Balance George A. Tanner, Ph.D. CHAPTER 25: Acid-Base Balance George A. Tanner, Ph.D. PART VII GASTROINTESTINAL PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER 26: Neurogastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Motility Jackie D. Wood, Ph.D. CHAPTER 27: Gastrointestinal Secretion, Digestion, and Absorption Patrick Tso, Ph.D. CHAPTER 28: The Physiology of the Liver Patrick Tso, Ph.D., and James McGill, M.D. PART VIII TEMPERA TURE REGULA TION AND EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER 29: The Regulation of Body Temperature C. Bruce Wenger, M.D., Ph.D. CHAPTER 30: Exercise Physiology Alon Harris, Ph.D., and Bruce E. Martin, Ph.D. PART IX ENDOCRINE PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER 31: Endocrine Control Mechanisms Daniel E. Peavy, Ph.D. CHAPTER 32: The Hypothalamus and the Pituitary Gland Robert V. Considine, Ph.D. CHAPTER 33: The Thyroid Gland Robert V. Considine, Ph.D. CHAPTER 34: The Adrenal Gland Robert V. Considine, Ph.D. CHAPTER 35: The Endocrine Pancreas Daniel E. Peavy, Ph.D. CHAPTER 36: Endocrine Regulation of Calcium, Phosphate, and Bone Metabolism Daniel E. Peavy, Ph.D. PART X REPRODUCTIVE PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER 37: The Male Reproductive System Paul F. Terranova, Ph.D. CHAPTER 38: The Female Reproductive System Paul F. Terranova, Ph.D. CHAPTER 39: Fertilization, Pregnancy, and Fetal Development Paul F. Terranova, Ph.D. Appendix A: Answers to Review Questions Appendix B: Common Abbreviations in Physiology Normal Blood, Plasma, or Serum Values inside front cover |
Формат: | djvu |
Размер: | 12.96 Мб |
Язык: | ENG |
Рейтинг: | 23 |

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