Behavior-Based Artificial Intelligence

Автор(ы):Meyer Jean-Arcady
Год изд.:1995
Описание: On December 7-11,1992, in Honolulu, Hawaii, just steps from Waikiki Beach, 125 researchers from Europe, North America, and Japan met to report from, debate, and push forward the frontier of an exciting new approach to understanding intelligence: the simulation and building of artificial animals ('animate') which must survive and adapt in progressively more challenging environments. Representing fields as diverse as ethology, psychology, connectionism, evolutionary computation, and robotics, the participants shared the belief that the creation of whole, coping, animal-like systems—however simple at the moment—may be one of the best routes to understanding intelligence in both natural and artificial systems. The conference was entitled "From Animals to Animats: The Second International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior" (SAB92). It succeeded one held with equal enthusiasm in Paris in September, 1990. These proceedings contain 59 papers and constitute the most comprehensive and up-to-date source on the field. The book is divided into sections corresponding to the conference sessions. In each section, papers presented as talks are followed by related papers that were presented as posters. (Eleven additional contributions could not be included in full in this book, but were given as posters and are represented in a final section by summaries.). Книга об искусственном интеллекте. По-моему, если ее перевести будет очень интересно :)
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