What Genes Can't Do

Автор(ы):Lenny Moss
Год изд.:2003
Описание: Here is the sixth volume in the series Basic Bioethics. The series presents innovative book-length manuscripts in bioethics to a broad audience and introduces seminal scholarly manuscripts, state-of-the-art reference works, and textbooks. Such broad areas as the philosophy of medicine, advancing genetics and biotechnology, end-of-life care, health and social policy, and the empirical study of biomedical life will be engaged.
What Genes Can't Do Обложка книги.
1 Genesis of the Gene [1]
2 The Rhetoric of Life and the Life of Rhetoric [51]
3 A Critique of Pure (Genetic) Information [75]
4 Dialectics of Disorder: Normalization and Pathology as Process [117]
5 After the Gene [183]
Notes [199]
References [205]
Index [217]
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