Stem Cells Handbook

Автор(ы):Sell Stewart
Год изд.:2004
Описание: The goal of Stem Cells Handbook is to present in one resource both the background and the current understanding of what stem cells are and what they can do. The authors of the various chapters were selected for their significant contributions to and expertise in various aspects of stem cell biology. A codicil for a book such as this that tries to cover an active field of research is that by the time it is published there will almost certainly be advances in understanding that have already made some of the material out of date. For example, in the last few months, there have been a number of additional papers on the plasticity of adult tissue stem cells as well as the observation that some effects believed to result from stem cell plasticity may be explained by cell fusion. Only ongoing studies will resolve these questions and provide the approaches required for potential breakthroughs in application to human diseases. In the meantime, we hope that the expert chapters in Stem Cells Handbook will provide useful and authoritative information to aid those who seek the answers to the unanswered questions.
Stem Cells Handbook Обложка книги.
1 Stem Cells: What Are They? Where Do They Come From? Why Are They Here? When Do They Go Wrong? Where Are They Going? [1]
  Stewart Sell
2 Stem Cells from Early Mammalian Embryos: Common Themes and Significant Differences [19]
  Virginia E. Papaioannou and Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis
3 Embryonic Stem Cells: Isolation and Application of Pluripotent Cells from the Pregastrulation Mammalian Embryo [33]
  Joy Rathjen and Peter David Rathjen
4 From Stem Cells to Functional Tissue Architecture: What Are the Signals and How Are They Processed? [45]
  Sui Huang and Donald E. Ingber
5 Germline Stem Cells [57]
  Haifan Lin
6 Stem Cells and Cloning [75]
  Ian Wilmut and Lesley Ann Paterson
7 Genomic Imprinting in Mouse Embryonic Stem and Germ Cells [81]
  Jeffrey R. Mann and Piroska E. Szabo
8 Stem Cells in Amphibian Regeneration [89]
  David L. Stocum
9 Stem Cells in Dermal Wound Healing [101]
  William J. Lindblad
10 Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells [107]
  James E. Dennis and Arnold I. Caplan
11 Normal and Leukemic Hematopoietic Stem Cells and Lineages [119]
  Ernest A. McCulloch
12 Developmental Origin of Murine Hematopoietic Stem Cells [133]
  Lorraine Robb and Kyunghee Choi
13 Stromal Support of Hematopoiesis [143]
  Pierre Charbord
14 Hematopoietic Stem Cells: Identification, Characterization, and Assays [155]
  Ian Panting, Yi Zhao and W. French Anderson
15 Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Leukemia and Lymphoma [163]
  Stephen M. Baird
16 Neurons, Stem Cells, and Potential Therapies [177]
  Fiona C. Mansergh, Michael A. Wride, and Derrick E. Rancourt
17 Neural Stem Cells: From In Vivo to In Vitro and Back Again—Practical Aspects [191]
  Michael A. Marconi, Kook I. Park, Yang D. Teng, Jitka Ourednik, Vaclav Ourednik, Rosanne M. Taylor, Aleksandra E. Marciniak, Marcel M. Daadi, Heather L. Rose, Erin B. Lavik, Robert Langer, Kurtis I. Auguste, Mahesh Lachyankar, Curt R. Freed, D. Eugene Redmond, Richard L. Sidman, and Evan Y. Snyder
18 Molecular Genetic Approaches in the Study of Retinal Progenitor Cells and Stem Cells [209]
  Till Marquardt and Peter Gruss
19 Endothelial Progenitor Cells [221]
  Takayuki Asahara and Jeffrey M. Isner
20 Development of the Cardiovascular System in Embryoid Bodies Derived from Embryonic Stem Cells [229]
  Heinrich Sauer, Maria Wartenberg, Agapios Sachinidis, and Jurgen Hescheler
21 Transcription Factors, Growth Factors, and Signal Cascades Capable of Priming Cardiogenesis [239]
  Agapios Sachinidis, Heinrich Sauer, Maria Wartenberg, and Jurgen Hescheler
22 Strategies Using Cell Therapy to Induce Cardiomyocyte Regeneration in Adults with Heart Disease [251]
  Silviu Itescu
23 Generation and Stem Cell Repair of Cardiac Tissues [259]
  Kathyjo A. Jackson and Margaret A. Goodell
24 Stem Cells in Kidney Morphogenesis [267]
  Emma M. A. Ball and Gail P. Risbridger
25 Nephroblastoma: A Metanephric Caricature [277]
  Alan O. Perantoni
26 Stem Cells in Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer [289]
  Wendy C. Weinberg and Stuart H. Yuspa
27 The Stem Cell Plasticity of Aggressive Melanoma Tumor Cells [297]
  Mary J. C. Hendrix, Elisabeth A. Seftor, Paul S. Meltzer, Angela R. Hess, Lynn M. Gruman, Brian J. Nickoloff, Lucio Miele, Don D. Sheriff, Gina C. Schatteman, Mario A. Bourdon, and Richard E. B. Seftor
28 Stem Cells in Glandular Organs [307]
  Karin Williams and Simon W. Hayward
29 Gastrointestinal Stem Cells: Proliferation Kinetics and Differentiation Hierarchies [317]
  SherifM. Karam
30 Stem Cell Origin of Cell Lineages, Proliferative Units, and Cancer in the Gastrointestinal Tract [329]
  Mairi Brittan and Nicholas A. Wright
31 Specification of Liver from Embryonic Endoderm [345]
  Hideyuki Yoshitomi and Kenneth S. Zaret
32 Animal Models for Assessing the Contribution of Stem Cells to Liver Development [353]
  Douglas C. Hixson
33 Normal Liver Progenitor Cells in Culture [367]
  Katherine S. Koch and Hyam L. Leffert
34 Permanent Lines of Stem Cells from the Liver [385]
  Helene Strick-Marchand and Mary C. Weiss
35 Biology of Human Liver Stem Cells [397]
  Alastair J. Strain, Sarbjit S. Nijjar, and Heather A. Crosby
36 Transplantation of Hepatic Stem Cells and Potential Applications for Cell Therapy [409]
  Sanjeev Gupta and Jae-Jin Cho
37 Plasticity of Adult-Derived Pancreatic Stem Cells [417]
  Ammon B. Peck and Vijayakumar K. Ramiya
38 Islet Cells [429]
  Luc Bouwens
39 Mammary Epithelial Stem Cells [437]
  Gilbert H. Smith
40 Morphogenesis of Prostate Cancer [445]
  Helmut Bonkhoff
41 Stem Cells in Lung Morphogenesis, Regeneration, and Carcinogenesis [455]
  Ank A. W. ten Have-Opbroek, Scott H. Randell, and Barry R. Stripp
42 Noninvasive Imaging in Stem Cell Therapies: Current State and Future Perspectives [473]
  Juri Gelovani
43 What Is the Future for Stem Cell Research?: Whether Entity or Function? [491]
  Regis Doyonnas and Helen M. Blau
INDEX [501]
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