Aquaculture and fisheries biotechnology. Genetic approaches
Автор(ы): | Dunham R. A. |
Год изд.: | 2004 |
Описание: | Only 30 years ago, fish culturists and researchers complained of the lack of genetically improved fish, and used this as a justification for increased research in the area of genetic biotechnology. There has been an explosion of research in this area, and now genetics and biotechnology are making a significant impact on aquaculture and fisheries, although potential for much greater progress exists. When improvements from biotechnology are considered, most people think of the impact on aquaculture and not the impact on fisheries. The concepts in the book are illustrated with numerous research examples and results in an effort to teach, relate theory with reality and provide a strong review of the current status of these biotechnological topics. |
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![]() Acknowledgements [xi] 1. History of Genetic Biotechnology in Aquaculture and Fisheries [1] 2. Phenotypic Variation and Environmental Effects [7] Stocking Density and Mortality [8] Age, Temperature and Water Quality [8] Biology and Physiology [9] Maternal Effects [10] Correction of Growth Data [13] Skewness and Feeding Practices [15] Compensatory Gain [17] Communal Stocking/Evaluation [19] 3. Polyploidy [22] Polyploid Induction in Fish [22] Polyploid Induction in Shellfish [26] Triploid Cells [28] Ploidy Determination [28] Triploid Fish Performance [30] Growth [30] Feed conversion and consumption [32] Morphology, meristics and identification [33] Carcass traits and flesh quality [33] Survival [35] Tolerance of low oxygen [36] Disease resistance [38] Reproduction [38] Embryonic development [41] Sex ratio [41] Hybrid viability [41] Heterozygosity in triploids [43] Behaviour [43] Invertebrate Triploid Performance [43] Growth [43] Energy storage and bioenergetics [44] Survival and disease resistance [45] Reproduction [45] Reversion to diploidy [46] Sex ratio [47] Flesh quality [47] Tetraploids [47] Tetraploid induction [48] Fertility and performance [48] Hexaploid Fish [50] Tetraploid Shellfish [50] Limitations and Constraints [50] Fisheries Management Applications [51] Environmental Protection [52] Conclusions [52] 4. Gynogenesis, Androgenesis, Cloned Populations and Nuclear Transplantation [54] Induction of Gynogenesis and Androgenesis [54] Performance of Gynogens and Androgens [57] Reproduction [57] Monosex Populations [58] Cloned Populations [59] Phenotypic variability [59] Regeneration of genetic variation in salmonids [60] Growth [60] Disease resistance [60] Clonal hybrids [61] Nuclear Transplantation - Nucleocytoplasmic Hybrids [61] 5. Sex Reversal and Breeding [65] Sexual Dimorphism [66] Chemical and Mechanical Sterilization [68] Hormonal Sex Reversal [71] Anabolic Effect [73] Health Issues [74] Sex Reversal and Breeding [74] All-female XX systems [75] All-male ZZ systems [78] All-male YY systems [79] Genetics of Sex Determination [79] Effects of temperature [82] Genetics of temperature effects on sex determination [82] YY system in channel catfish [83] Constraints and Sex Markers [83] 6. Biochemical and Molecular Markers [85] Isozymes and Enzymes [85] Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism [88] Mitochondrial DNA [89] Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA [90] Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism [92] Microsatellites [97] Expressed Sequence Tags [99] Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms [100] Relative Costs of Different Markers [100] Relative Effectiveness of Markers [101] 7. Population Genetics and Interactions of Hatchery and Wild Fish [104] Genetic Variation, Population Structure and Biodiversity [104] Effects of Geography and Environment on Population Variation [109] Factors Affecting the Establishment of New Genotypes in Established Natural Populations [112] Interspecific Hybridization [113] Interactions between Domestic and Wild Fish [115] Integrated Management Strategy [120] 8. Gene Mapping, Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping and Marker-assisted Selection [122] Choice of Markers [122] Mapping Systems [123] Linkage Disequilibrium [124] Isozyme Maps [124] DNA Markers and Maps [129] The Major Histocompatibility Complex and Oncogenes [133] Effects of Karyotypes, Clustering and Distortion [133] QTL Mapping [135] QTL markers in agriculture [136] QTLs of aquatic organisms [137] Marker-assisted Selection [139] Marker-assisted selection in agriculture [139] Marker-assisted selection in fish [140] 9. Gene Expression, Isolation and Cloning [141] Gene Expression and Expressed Sequence Tags [141] Growth [143] Ovulation and Reproduction [146] Diseases [148] Brain [150] Cold Tolerance [151] Osmoregulation [152] Genetic Imprinting and Paternal Predominance [152] Transposable Elements [153] Ribosomes [156] Proteomics [159] 10. Gene-transfer Technology [160] Gene-transfer Technique in Fish [161] Promoters [164] Integration [166] Transmission of Transgenes [169] Transgene Expression of Growth-hormone and Reporter Genes [169] Performance of Transgenic Fish [172] Growth [172] Dramatic growth of transgenic fish: explanations and limitations [177] Cold tolerance [179] Disease resistance [179] Transgenic Production of Pharmaceuticals [181] Gene Knockout Technology [181] Pleiotropic Effects of Transferred Genes [184] Potential Role of Mitochondrial DNA in Gene Transfer [190] 11. Combining Genetic Enhancement Programmes [193] Sex Reversal and Triploidy [194] Genetic Engineering and Crossbreeding [194] Genetic Engineering, Selection, Crossbreeding, Strains and Hybrids [194] Selection, Crossbreeding and Sex Reversal [194] Gynogenesis, Selection and Hybridization [195] 12. Genotype-Environment Interactions [198] Traditional Breeding [199] Polyploidy and Transgenics [200] 13. Environmental Risk of Aquatic Organisms from Genetic Biotechnology [203] Theoretical Risks [203] Environmental Risk Data on Transgenic Fish [207] Common Goals of Aquaculture and Genetic Conservation [211] Genetic Sterilization [211] 14. Food Safety of Transgenic Aquatic Organisms [219] International Guidelines [220] Labelling [220] 15. A Case Example: Safety of Consumption of Transgenic Salmon Potentially Containing Elevated Levels of Growth Hormone and Insulin-like Growth Factor [222] Growth Hormone/Salmonid Growth Hormone [222] IGF/SalmonidlGF [223] GH Levels in Non-transgenic Salmon and Fish [224] IGF Levels in Non-transgenic Salmon and Fish [224] GH Levels in Transgenic Salmon and Fish [225] IGF Levels in Transgenic Salmon and Fish [226] GH and IGF Levels in Humans [226] GH and IGF Levels in Mammals [226] Bioavailability of sGH and sIGF in the Upper GI Tract [226] Dosage from Consumption [229] Bioactivity of Salmon/Non-primate GH in Humans [230] Bioactivity of Fish IGF [231] Explanation for Primate Specificity for GH Bioactivity [231] Potential Toxic Effects of GH/IGF and Food Safety [233] Studies on Transgenic GH Fish Food Safety [233] Conclusions on Human Food Safety [234] 16. Government Regulation of Transgenic Fish [235] US Performance Standards [237] International Performance Standards [238] Canada [239] United Kingdom [239] Nomenclature [240] International Trade [241] Intellectual Property Rights [242] 17. Commercial Application of Fish Biotechnology [244] Polyploidy [244] Sex Reversal and Breeding [245] Genetic Engineering [246] 18. Strategies for Genetic Conservation, Gene Banking and Maintaining Genetic Quality [248] Population Size, Inbreeding and Maintenance of Genetic Quality [248] Genetic Conservation [253] 19. Constraints and Limitations of Genetic Biotechnology [255] Research Issues [255] General Recommendations [255] Development Issues [256] Biodiversity Issues [256] Political Issues [256] Economic Issues [256] Glossary [258] References and Further Reading [288] Index [367] |
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Язык: | ENG |
Рейтинг: | 34 |

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