The Profit Magic Of Stock Transaction Timing
Автор(ы): | Hurst J. M. |
Год изд.: | 0 |
Описание: | Можно ли, инвестируя 10000$ заработать 1000000$ через год? Через пять лет? И если вдруг можно, то чем придется рискнуть? Подобными вопросами задаются все, кто пытается заняться этим бизнесом. Отвечаем: да, такое возможно на фондовой бирже. Представленные в данной книге методы позволяют получасть среднюю прибыль в 10% в месяц. И если вы не будете спешить выводить прибыль, то миллинером станете уже через 50 месяцев. |
Оглавление: |
![]() 1. MAXIMIZE YOUR PROFITS [21] Where the Magic Is [21] To Trade or to Invest [22] The Most Dollars in the Least Time [22] How the Trading Interval Affects Profits [23] Adding Magic by Compounding [26] Maintaining 100% Investment [26] Four Steps to Riches [26] 2. TIMING IS THE KEY [28] Something New and Unconventional Is Required [29] What Makes Prices Change [30] The Impact of Historical Events [30] The Source of Trends [30] "X" Motivation - and What It Does to Prices [31] How Cyclically Expresses Itself in the Market [31] The Summation Principle [32] The Commonality Principle [32] The Variation Principie [32] The Nominality Principie [33] The Proportionality Principle [33] The Significance of Cyclicality [35] How to Go About Observational Analysis [36] "Nesting" Envelopes Upward [38] "Nesting" Down [39] Using Expanded oi Contracted Data [40] Extracting Cyclic Model Elements [44] Cyclicality in Individual Issues [44] How Synchronization Is Expressed [48] Summing It All Up [48] 3. VERIFY YOUR CHART PATTERNS [51] Why Trend Lines and Channels Form and Repeat [52] Where Head and Shoulder Patterns Come From [52] About Double Tops and Bottoms [57] The Significance of Triangles [57] How to Tell in Advance if a Chart Pattern Will "Fail" [59] Understanding Other Chart Patterns [61] How Cyclically Gives Meaning to Chart Patterns [61] The Significance of Moving Averages [62] Why Ten- and 30-Week Moving Averages Are Useful [64] How to Plot and Interpret a Moving Average Properly [65] How a Moving Average Can Aid Cyclic Analysis [65] Summarizing Chart Patterns [66] 4. TIMING YOUR BUYS WITH GRAPHICS [68] Prediction by Graphics [68] How to Construct Curvilinear Envelopes [69] Prediction of Price Turns Using Envelopes [70] Use This Example as Your Channel Prediction Guide [71] Constructing the Dominant Channel [73] Finding the Outer Envelope [74] Setting Up Price-Turn Predictions [75] The Kind of Results You Can Achieve [76] How to Generate Graphic "Buy" Signals [77] What to Look For [78] Recognizing the "Valid Trend Line" [78] "Edge-Band" Transaction Timing [79] "Mid-Band" Transaction Timing [82] Points to Remember Regarding Graphic "Buy" Signals [85] 5. YOU'VE MADE SOME MONEY - HOW TO KEEP IT [86] Use of Logical Cut-Loss Criteria [86] Extension to Trailing "Sell" Signals [88] How to Construct Selling Analogs [90] How to Make and Use Non-Real Time Envelopes [91] Selling Short [93] Selling Rules to Remember [95] 6. COMPUTE YOUR WAY TO INCREASED PROFITS [97] Why You Need Computational Aids [97] How to Construct and Use Half-Span Moving Averages [97] Other Uses for Half- and Full-Span Moving Averages [108] Now Turn Your Moving Averages Inside Out [109] Use the Inverse Half-Span Average to Improve Your Timing [109] Try the Inverse Average in Other Ways [112] 7. HOW TO SELECT AND TRACK TRADING ISSUES [114] Alternative Ways of Selecting Investment Vehicles [114] The Total Scanning Concept [115] Making Use of Screening Criteria [116] Selecting Candidates for Volatility [117] Applying Stability Factors [118] A Word of Caution and Emphasis [119] When You Should Use Alternative Scanning Methods [119] Take Advantage of the "Stable" Concept [120] How to Track Your Stable [121] Summing Up Selection and Tracking [122] 8. TRADING BY LOGIC INSTEAD OF BY GUESS [123] The Tools at Your Command [123] The Anatomy of a Trade [124] Determining the "State of the Market" [124] Selecting the Issue [127] The Next Step Is Analysis [127] Forming the Valid Downtrend Line [131] Computing Potential and Risk [131] A Model Transaction [132] A Trading Experiment [135] Prediction of the Averages [138] The Results of Industry Group Predictions [138] Specific Issues Involved [138] Conclusions [139] 9. WHY STOCK PRICES CHANGE [141] How Decision-Making Enters the Picture [142] Understanding Irrational Decision Processes [144] What You Should Know About Fundamental Factors [145] How Company-Related Fundamentals Affect Prices [146] The Influence of Broad Environmental Factors [147] Should You Sell in Event of War? [147] What About Currency Devaluations? [147] How National Crisis Should Affect Your Decisions [149] How the GNP Affects the Market [149] Now Compare Cyclicality vs. History! [151] The Impact of the Fall of France [151] Here is How Long-Range Cyclicality Affects the Market [154] Summarizing Price Change Causes [157] 10. PITFALLS AND HOW TO AVOID THEM [158] Why the Unexpected Occurs [159] Recognizing Psychological Barriers [160] Counteracting the Outside Influence [160] Overcoming Greed [162] Beat the "Persimmon Effect" [163] The Bugaboo of Time Distortion - and What to Do About It [164] Dealing With "Scale Effect" [165] Combating Emotional Cyclicality [166] In a Nutshell [167] 11. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS - HOW TO DO IT AND WHAT IT MEANS [168] Why Numerical Analysis [169] The Meaning of a Frequency Spectrum [169] How to Do Fourier Analysis [171] Assembling Your Data [171] Separating Your Data Into Two Sequences [172] Determining the Frequencies in Your Analysis [172] Now Compute the Corresponding Amplitudes [173] How to Get Composite Amplitudes [175] The Kind of Results You Can Expect [175] How Numerical Filters Can Help You [175] What You Must Know About Filter Operation [176] The Part of "Weights" in Numerical Filters [177] How to Design Your Own Numerical Filters [178] Applying Your Numerical Filter to Stock Prices [182] Take Advan tage of Curve Fitting [183] Fit Your Data With a Straight Line [184] How to Use Other Kinds of Curve Fitting [185] Summarizing Numerical Analy sis [185] APPENDICES I. THE NOT-TO-BE-EXPECTED "ORDER" OF SPECTRAL RELATION-SHIPS IN STOCKPRICE DATA [188] The Implications of Fourier Analysis of Stock Prices [188] Course Frequency Structure [190] Fine Frequency Structure [190] Amplitude-Frequency Relationships [191] The Use of Comb Filters [191] The Variables Involved [196] Best Estimate of Spectral Line Spacing [196] The Line Spectral Model [199] II. EXTENSION OF "AVERAGE" RESULTS TO INDIVIDUAL ISSUES [201] A Basis For the Principle of Commonality [201] Spectral Signatures, Fundamentals, and Time Synchronization [201] III. THE SOURCE AND NATURE OF TRANSACTION INTERVAL EFFECTS [204] Theoretical Yield-Rate Maximums vs. Transaction Interval [204] The Impact of Compounding [204] The Effect of Sinusoidal Rate Summation [206] IV. FREQUENCY RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS OF A CENTERED MOVING AVERAGE [207] Response Derivation [207] Response Characteristics [207] Application Implications [207] Response of the Inverse Centered Moving Average [210] V. PARABOLIC INTERPOLATION [212] Three-Point Interpolation [212] Equation Derivation [213] VI. TRIGONOMETRIC CURVE FITTING [215] Generalized Least-Square-Error Methods [215] Solving for Frequency [216] Computing Amplitudes [217] Determining Composity Amplitudes and Phases [217] BIBLIOGRAPHY [218] INDEX [220] |
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