Trading by the Book

Автор(ы):Ross Joe
Год изд.:1994
Описание: This is a book about trading futures. Specifically, it shows ways the futures markets have been successfully traded for many years. Until the present time, this manual has been privately sold to those willing to master its secrets. It is not a get rich quick scheme. A lot of time, work, and effort has gone into its writing. A similar effort is needed to learn how to use it. Each part is in itself almost an entire trading manual. Yet the parts complement and supplement each other and should be taken as a whole. The parts really are interdependent.
Trading by the Book Обложка книги.
    How to Learn — Need for Wisdom [9]
    How to Get Wisdom [10]
    Determining to Be Wise [10]
    Wisdom Versus Foolishness [11]
    The Book [12]
    How I Trade [13]
  CHAPTER 1 [16]
    My First Opportunity [16]
    Gold Trading [17]
    Chart Scaling and Perspective [17]
    Starting a Trading Range [20]
    Breakout of a Range Defined [23]
    Range Expansion [23]
    Range Stop Placement [23]
    Drawing The Envelope [23]
  CHAPTER 2 [31]
    Initial Stop [31]
    Catastrophic Stop [31]
    The Possibilities [31]
    Setting Objectives [32]
    Possible Events after Breakout [34]
    Probable Situations after Breakout [34]
  CHAPTER 3 [38]
    Reactions to Range Breakout [38]
    Swings Defined [38]
    Legs of Swings [38]
    Trailing Stops for Breakouts [40]
    Adding to Position after Breakouts [40]
    Closing Out My Position [40]
  CHAPTER 4 [42]
    Wheat Trading [42]
    Definition of a Trading Range [57]
    Trading Ranges Lengths [57]
  CHAPTER 5 [63]
    Comments on Trading the Breakout from Congestion [63]
    Anticipating Congestion [64]
    Recognizing Congestion [65]
    Envelope Adjustment [66]
    Envelope Contraction [66]
    When to Draw the Envelope [67]
  CHAPTER 1 [69]
    Market Harmony [69]
    Technical Analysis [69]
    Fundamental Analysis [70]
  CHAPTER 2 [72]
    About Waves [72]
    More about Technical Analysis [72]
  CHAPTER 3 [74]
    Selecting a Market [74]
    Readiness to Trade [75]
    More Market Harmony [77]
  CHAPTER 4 [78]
    Little Things Mean a Lot [78]
    One-TwoThree Highs and Lows [78]
    It's As Easy As 1-2-3 [79]
    Bond Trading Using 1-2-3 and the Envelope [80]
  CHAPTER 5 [89]
    The Offset Moving Average [89]
    Continuation of Bond Trading [94]
    Review of Part II [113]
    The Ross Hook [114]
  CHAPTER 1 [117]
    Why Kick a Thorn Bush? [117]
  CHAPTER 2 [118]
    Defining an Established Trend [118]
    Entry Technique for an Established Trend [122]
  CHAPTER 3 [130]
    Market Symmetry [130]
    How i Use Fibonacci Numbers [130]
    Fibonacci Weaknesses [132]
    What about Elliot Waves? [135]
    What about Cycles? [135]
    What about Lunar Cycles? [136]
    What about Seasonal Trading? [136]
  CHAPTER 4 [137]
    Oscillators [137]
    How I compute my Weekly Oscillator [138]
    What the Oscillator Means [140]
    What the Weekly Oscillator Looks Like [142]
    A Neat Trick with the Weekly Oscillator [143]
    Divergence and the Weekly Oscillator [145]
  CHAPTER 5 [146]
    The Greatest Lesson [146]
    Learning to Reverse [146]
    What It Takes to Reverse [147]
    Turning Lemons into Lemonade [148]
    What's Ahead [150]
  CHAPTER 1 [151]
    The Daily Oscillator [151]
    Computing the Daily Oscillator [152]
    What the Daily Oscillator Tells Me [153]
    Testing a Trade Three Ways [154]
    Review of Three-Way Testing [157]
  CHAPTER 2 [158]
    Refining the First Test [158]
    Rules for Entering Three-Way Tested Trades [160]
  CHAPTER 3 [161]
    Trading Gold for a Year with Three-Way Testing [161]
  CHAPTER 4 [219]
    The Anatomy of a Market [219]
  CHAPTER 1 [223]
    One-two-three Breakouts of a Trading Range [223]
  CHAPTER 2 [229]
    Trading from a Ledge [229]
    What Is Congestion? [232]
    Rules for Trading from a Ledge [238]
  CHAPTER 3 [247]
    Trading Within a Trading Range [247]
  CHAPTER 4 [257]
    Channels [257]
  CHAPTER 5 [260]
    Selecting Trades [260]
    Flag of the Week [260]
    Flag of the Day [260]
    Ledge Method [263]
    Breakout Method [264]
  CHAPTER 1 [267]
    Strategy and Considerations [267]
    Statistical and Dollar Advantages [267]
    About Advisors, Brokers, and Such [269]
    Good Advisors? [270]
    About Managed Accounts [272]
    About Stops and Risk [272]
  CHAPTER 2 [275]
    About Commissions [275]
    About Placing Orders [275]
    The Business of Trading [276]
    About Charts and Charting Services [277]
  CHAPTER 3 [278]
    Chart Perspective [278]
    System VS. Method [280]
    A Double Alert [281]
    Don't Get Angry at a Market [282]
    Objectives [282]
    About Technical Indicators [283]
    Runs [284]
    Avoid Foolish Moves [285]
  CHAPTER 4 [287]
    A Year of Trading [287]
  CHAPTER 5 [366]
    Wrap-up, Clarifications, and Comments [366]
  CHAPTER 6 [375]
    For You [375]
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