Encyclopedia of business and finance. Volume 2

Автор(ы):Kaliski Burton S.
Год изд.:2001
Описание: This encyclopedia is designed to "summarize the body of knowledge that we know as business in one place and in language appropriate to the layperson." The 315 articles cover the major functional areas of business: accounting, economics, finance, information systems, law, management, and marketing. Special emphasis is given to the topics of careers and business ethics. While some articles emphasize the historical development of a topic, others focus on current business activity and conditions. The second edition contains more than 30 new articles, most of them related to technology, new areas of business knowledge, international topics, and new organizations and legislation. The encyclopedia contains a lot of useful information, and libraries serving the general public and secondary-school students will certainly find it handy to have on the shelf. Libraries serving primarily university students and researchers may wish to consider it as a supplemental rather than a primary source for business and finance information.
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