The economics of money, banking, and financial markets

Автор(ы):Mishkin Frederic S.
Год изд.:2004
Описание: Introduction 1 - 1 Why Study Money, Banking, and Financial Markets? - An Overview of the Financial System - What Is Money? - Financial Markets - Understanding Interest Rates - The Behavior of Interest Rates - The Risk and Term Structure of Interest Rates - The Stock Market, the Theory of Rational Expectations, and the Efficient Market Hypothesis - Financial Institutions - An Economic Analysis of Financial Structure - Banking and the Management of Financial Institutions - Banking Industry: Structure and Competition - Economic Analysis of Banking Regulation - Nonbank Finance - Financial Derivatives - Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy - Structure of Central Banks and the Federal Reserve System - Multiple Deposit Creation and the Money Supply Process - Determinants of the Money Supply - Tools of Monetary Policy - Conduct of Monetary Policy: Goals and Targets - International Finance and Monetary Policy - The Foreign Exchange Market - The International Financial System - Monetary Policy Strategy: The International Experience - CONTENTS IN BRIEF - Monetary Theory - The Demand for Money - The Keynesian Framework and the ISLM Model - Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the ISLM Model - Aggregate Demand and Supply Analysis - Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary Policy: The Evidence - Money and Inflation - Rational Expectations: Implications for Policy.
The economics of money, banking, and financial markets Обложка книги.
PART I. Introduction [1]
  1 Why Study Money Banking, and Financial Markets? [3]
  2 An Overview of the Financial System [23]
  3 What Is Money? [44]
PART II. Financial Markets [59]
  4 Understanding Interest Rates [61]
  5 The Behavior of Interest Rates [85]
  6 The Risk and Term Structure of Interest Rates [120]
  7 The Stock Market, the Theory of Rational Expectations, and the Efficient Market Hypothesis [141]
PART III. Financial Institutions [167]
  8 An Economic Analysis of Financial Structure [169]
  9 Banking and the Management of Financial Institutions [201]
  10 Banking Industry: Structure and Competition [229]
  11 Economic Analysis of Banking Regulation [260]
  12 Nonbank Finance [287]
  13 Financial Derivatives [309]
PART IV. Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy [333]
  14 Structure of Central Banks and the Federal Reserve System [335]
  15 Multiple Deposit Creation and the Money Supply Process [357]
  16 Determinants of the Money Supply [374]
  17 Tools of Monetary Policy [393]
  18 Conduct of Monetary Policy: Goals and Targets [411]
PART V. International Finance and Monetary Policy [433]
  19 The Foreign Exchange Market.435
  20 The International Financial System [462]
  21 Monetary Policy Strategy: The International Experience [487]
PART VI. Monetary Theory [515]
  22 The Demand for Money [517]
  23 The Keynesian Framework and the ISLM Model [536]
  24 Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the ISLM Model [561]
  25 Aggregate Demand and Supply Analysis [582]
  26 Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary Policy: The Evidence [603]
  27 Money and Inflation [632]
  28 Rational Expectations: Implications for Policy [658]
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