Rotational structure in the spectra of diatomic molecules

Автор(ы):Kovacs I.
Год изд.:1969
Описание: It is mainly since the early 1920's that the rotational spectra of diatomic molecules have been investigated. During this time it has become clear how deeply rooted are the connections between these spectra and the internal structure of the molecules and how important is the information they give about molecular architecture. It has become evident that these spectra are, say, coded messages from the molecules in secret writing and that to decipher these messages it is necessary to determine experimentally the position and intensity of the spectral lines and to establish the theoretical laws governing the spectra. Although the fundamental investigations about rotational spectra were published in the third and fourth decades of this century and the fundamental theory can be found in a number of excellent books, it seems appropriate and necessary to collate this material in the form of a unified system and to complete this system by adding new elements. This is especially true with respect to the formulas of intensity distribution, a systematic collection of which is in growing demand by physicists and astronomers. The author's aim is to meet this demand by the present book. It is the writer's hope that the present book will be useful to both theoretical and experimental research workers who want complete and unified information concerning the rotational structure in spectra.
Rotational structure in the spectra of diatomic molecules Обложка книги.
Preface [5]
Introduction [9]
General remarks on observed spectra [9]
Chapter 1 Foundations of a theory of diatomic molecules [13]
  1.1. Wave equation and its approximate solution [14]
  1.2. Interactions of the electron spin [25]
  1.3. Matrix elements  arising from the  terms  neglected  on  the separation of the wave equation [39]
  1.4. Perturbation matrix of the centrifugal term [45]
  1.5. Perturbation calculation [48]
Chapter 2 Multiplet term formulas [53]
  2.1. Spin multiplets and (?)-type doubling [54]
    2.1.1. Energies and perturbation-matrix elements in the limiting cases [54]
    2.1.2. Singlet terms [57]
    2.1.3. Doublet terms [60]
    2.1.4. Triplet terms [68]
    2.1.5. Quartet terms [80]
    2.1.6. Quintet terms [92]
    2.1.7. Sextet terms [95]
    2.1.8. Septet terms [98]
  2.2. (?)-multiplets [102]
    2.2.1. Energies and perturbation-matrix elements in the limiting cases [103]
    2.2.2. p-term complex [105]
    2.2.3. d-term complex [108]
Chapter 3 Intensity distribution in rotational bands [115]
  3.1. General remarks [115]
  3.2. Intensity distribution among spin multiplets of the same multiplicity [121]
    3.2.1. Singlet transitions [122]
    3.2.2. Doublet transitions [125]
    3.2.3. Triplet transitions [131]
    3.2.4. Quartet transitions [143]
    3.2.5. Quintet transitions [150]
    3.2.6. Sextet transitions [154]
    3.2.7. Septet transitions [162]
  3.3. Intensity distribution among spin multiplets of different multiplicity [175
    3.3.1. Singlet-triplet transitions [176]
    3.3.2. Doublet-quartet transitions [182]
  3.4. Intensity distribution for (?)-multiplets [191]
    3.4.1. p-term complex transitions [192]
    3.4.2. d-term complex transitions [193]
Chapter 4 Perturbations in the spectra [199]
  4.1. General theory of perturbations [200]
    4.1.1. Perturbation of two discrete states [205]
    4.1.2. Perturbation of three discrete states [209]
    4.1.3. Perturbation of a discrete and a continuous state; predissociation [213]
    4.1.4. Perturbation of two discrete and a continuous state; accidental predissociation [218]
  4.2. Perturbations among states of the same multiplicity [224]
    4.2.1. Homogeneous perturbations [225]
    4.2.2. Heterogeneous perturbations [253]
  4.3. Perturbations among states of different multiplicity [266]
    4.3.1. Singlet-triplet perturbations [266]
    4.3.2. Doublet—quartet perturbations [274]
  4.4. Methods for the determination of the constants of perturbing molecular terms [287]
    4.4.1. The В'-B''-method [287]
    4.4.2. The (?)-method [296]
References [303]
Author Index [308]
Sribjert Index 310
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