Analysis, manifolds and physics
Автор(ы): | Choquet-Bruhat Y., Dewitt-Morette C.,Dillard-Bleick M. |
Год изд.: | 1970 |
Описание: | Can this book, now polished by usage, serve as a text for an advanced physical mathematics course? This question raises another question: What is the function of a text book for graduate studies? In our times of rapidly expanding knowledge, a teacher looks for a book which will provide a broader base for future developments than can be covered in one or two semesters of lectures and a student hopes that his purchase will serve him for many years. A reference book which can be used as a text is an answer to their needs. This is what this book is intended to be. |
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![]() A. Set Theory, Definitions [1] 1.Sets [1] 2. Mappings [2] 3. Relations [5] 4. Orderings [5] B. Algebraic Structures, Definitions [6] 1. Groups [7] 2. Rings [8] 3. Modules [8] 4. Algebras [9] 5. Linear spaces [9] C. Topology [11] 1. Definitions [11] 2. Separation [13] 3.Вазе [14] 4. Convergence [14] 5. Covering and compactness [15] 6. Connectedness [16] 7. Continuous mappings [17] 8. Multiple connectedness [19] 9. Associated topologies [20] 10. Topology related to other structures [21] 11. Metric spaces [23] metric spaces [23] Cauchy sequence; completeness [25] 12. Banach spaces [26] normed vector spaces [27] Banach spaces [28] strong and weak topology; compactedness [29] 13. Hubert spaces [30] D. Integration [31] 1. Introduction [32] 2. Measures [33] 3. Measure spaces [34] 4. Measurable functions [40] 5. Integrable functions [41] 6. Integration on locally compact spaces [46] 7. Signed and complex measures [49] 8. Integration of vector valued functions [50] 9. (?) space [52] 10. If space [53] E. Key Theorems in Linear Functional Analysis [57] 1. Bounded linear operators [57] 2. Compact operators [61] 3. Open mapping and closed graph theorems [63] Problems and Exercises [64] Problem 1: Clifford algebra; Spin(4) [64] Exercise 2: Product topology [68] Problem 3: Strong and weak topologies in (?) [69] Exercise 4: Holder spaces [70] See Problem VI 4: Application to the Schrodinger equation [70] II. Differential Calculus on Banach Spaces [71] A. Foundations [71] 1. Definitions. Taylor expansion [71] 2. Theorems [73] 3. Diffeomorphisms [74] 4. The Euler equation [76] 5. The mean value theorem [78] 6. Higher order differentials [79] B. Calculus of Variations [82] 1. Necessary conditions for minima [82] 2. Sufficient conditions [83] 3. Lagrangian problems [86] C. Implicit Function Theorem. Inverse Function Theorem [88] 1. Contracting mapping theorems [88] 2. Inverse function theorem [90] 3. Implicit function theorem [91] 4. Global theorems [92] D. Differential Equations [94] 1. First order differential equation [94] 2. Existence and uniqueness theorems for the lipschitzian case [95] Problems and Exercises [98] Problem 1: Banach spaces, first variation, linearized equation [98] Problem 2: Taylor expansion of the action; Jacobi fields; the Feynman [100] Green function; the Van Vleck matrix; conjugate points; caustics Problem 3: Euler-Lagrange equation; the small disturbance equation; the soap bubble problem; Jacobi fields [105] III. Differentiate Manifolds, Finite Dimensional Case [111] A. Definitions [111] 1. Differentiable manifolds [111] 2. Diffeomorphisms [115] 3. Lie groups [116] B. Vector Fields; Tensor Fields [117] 1. Tangent vector space at a point [117] tangent vector as a derivation [118] tangent vector defined by transformation properties [120] tangent vector as an equivalence class of curves [121] images under differentiable mappings [121] 2. Fibre bundles [124] definition [125] bundle morphisms [127] tangent bundle [127] frame bundle [128] principal fibre bundle [129] 3. Vector fields [132] vector fields [132] moving frames [134] images under diffeomorphisms [134] 4. Covariant vectors; cotangent bundles [135] dual of the tangent space [135] space of differentials [137] cotangent bundle [138] reciprocal images [138] 5. Tensors at a point [138] tensors at a point [138] tensor algebra [140] 6. Tensor bundles; tensor fields [142] C. Groups of Transformations [143] 1. Vector fields as generators of transformation groups [143] 2. Lie derivatives [147] 3. Invariant tensor fields [150] D. Lie Groups [152] 1. Definitions; notations [152] 2. Left and right translations; Lie algebra; structure constants [155] 3. One-parameter subgroups [158] 4. Exponential mapping; Taylor expansion; canonical coordinates [160] 5. Lie groups of transformations; realization [162] 6. Adjoint representation [166] 7. Canonical form, Maurer-Cartan form [168] Problems and Exercises [169] Problem 1: Change of coordinates on a fiber bundle, configuration space, phase space [169] Problem 2: Lie algebras of Lie groups [172] Problem 3: The strain tensor [177] Problem 4: Exponential map; Taylor expansion; adjoint map; left and right differentials; Haar measure [178] Problem 5: The group manifolds of SO(3) and SU(2) [181] Problem 6: The 2-sphere [190] IV. Integration on Manifolds [195] A. Exterior Differential Forms [195] 1. Exterior algebra [195] exterior product [196] local coordinates; strict components [197] change of basis [199] 2. Exterior differentiation [200] 3. Reciprocal image of a form (pull back) [203] 4. Derivations and antiderivations [205] definitions [206] interior product [207] 5. Forms defined on a Lie group [208] invariant forms [208] Maurer-Cartan structure equations [208] 6. Vector valued differential forms [210] B. Integration [212] 1. Integration [212] orientation [212] odd forms [212] integration of n-forms in (?) [213] partitions of unify [214] properties of integrals [215] 2. Stokes' theorem [216] p-chains [217] integrals ofp-forms on p-chains [217] boundaries [218] mappings of chains [219] proof of Stokes' theorem [221] 3. Global properties [222] homology and cohomology [222] 0-forms and 0-chains [223] Betti numbers [224] Poincare lemmas [224] de Rham and Poincare duality theorems [226] C. Exterior Differential Systems [229] 1. Exterior equations [229] 2. Single exterior equation [229] 3. Systems of exterior equations [232] ideal generated by a system of exterior equations [232] algebraic equivalence [232] solutions [233] examples [235] 4. Exterior differential equations [236] integral manifolds [236] associated Pfaff systems [237] generic points [238] closure [238] 5. Mappings of manifolds [239] introduction [239] immersion [241] embedding [241] submersion [242] 6. Pfaff systems [242] complete integrability [243] Frobenius theorem [243] integrability criterion [245] examples [246] dual form of the Frobenius theorem [248] 7. Characteristic system [250] characteristic manifold [250] example: first order partial differential equations [250] complete integrability [253] construction of integral manifolds [254] Cauchy problem [256] examples [259] 8. Invariants [261] invariant with respect to a Pfaff system [261] integral invariants [263] 9. Example: Integral invariants of classical dynamics [265] Liouville theorem [266] canonical transformations [267] 10. Symplectic structures and hamiltonian systems [267] Problems and Exercises [270] Problem 1: Compound matrices [270] Problem 2: Poincare lemma. Maxwell equations, wormholes [271] Problem 3: Integral manifolds [271] Problem 4: First order partial differential equations, Hamilton-Jacobi equations, lagrangian manifolds [272] Problem 5: First order partial differential equations, catastrophes [277] Problem 6: Darboux theorem [281] Problem 7: Time dependent hamiltonians [283] See Problem VI 1 1 paragraph c: Electromagnetic shock waves V. Riemannian Manifolds. Kahlerian Manifolds [285] A. The Riemannian Structure [285] 1. Preliminaries [285] metric tensor [285] hyperbolic manifold [287] 2. Geometry of submanifolds, induced metric [290] 3. Existence of a riemannian structure [292] proper structure [292] hyperbolic structure [293] Euler-Poincare characteristic [293] 4. Volume element. The star operator [294] volume element [294] star operator [295] 5. Isometries [298] B. Linear Connections [300] 1. Linear connections [300] covariant derivative [301] connection forms [301] parallel translation [302] affine geodesic [302] torsion and curvature [305] 2. Riemannian connection [308] definitions [309] locally flat manifolds [310] 3. Second fundamental form [312] 4. Differential operators [316] exterior derivative [316] operator S [317] divergence [317] laplacian [318] C. Geodesies [320] 1. Arc length [320] 2. Variations [321] Euler equations [323] energy integral [324] 3. Exponential mapping [325] definition [325] normal coordinates [326] 4. Geodesies on a proper riemannian manifold [327] properties [327] geodesic completeness [330] 5. Geodesies on a hyperbolic manifold [330] D. Almost Complex andKdhlerian Manifolds [330] Problems and Exercises [336] Problem 1: Maxwell equation; gravitational radiation [336] Problem 2: The Schwarzschild solution [341] Problem 3: Geodetic motion; equation of geodetic deviation; exponentiation; conjugate points [344] Problem 4: Causal structures; conformal spaces; Weyl tensor [350] Vbis. Connections on a Principal Fibre Bundle [357] A. Connections on a Principal Fibre Bundle [357] 1. Definitions [357] 2. Local connection 1-forms on the base manifold [362] existence theorems [362] section canonically associated with a trivialization [363] potentials [364] change of trivialization [364] examples [366] 3. Covariant derivative [367] associated bundles [367] parallel transport [369] covariant derivative [370] examples [371] 4. Curvature [372] definitions [372] Cartan structural equation [373] local curvature on the base manifold [374] field strength [375] Bianchi identities [375] 5. Linear connections [376] definition [376] soldering form, torsion form [376] torsion structural equation [376] standard horizontal (basic) vector field [378] curvature and torsion on the base manifold [378] bundle homomorphism [380] metric connection [381] B. Holonomy [381] 1. Reduction [381] 2. Holonomy groups [386] C. Characteristic Classes and Invariant Curvature Integrals [390] 1. Characteristic classes [390] 2. Gauss-Bonnet theorem and Chern numbers [395] 3. The Atiyah-Singer index theorem [396] Problems and Exercises [401] Problem 1 : The geometry of gauge fields [401] Problem 2: Charge quantization. Monopoles [408] Problem 3: Instanton solution of euclidean SU(2) Yang-Mills theory (connection on a non-trivial SU(2) bundle over S4) [411] Problem 4: Spin structure; spinors; spin connections [415] VI. Distributions [423] A. Test Functions [423] 1. Seminorms [423] definitions [423] Hahn-Banach theorem [424] topology defined by a family of seminorms [424] 2. (?) -spaces [427] definitions [427] inductive limit topology [429] convergence in (?) and (?) [430] examples of functions in (?) [431] truncating sequences [434] density theorem [434] Distributions [435] 1. Definitions [435] distributions [435] measures; Dirac measures and Leray forms [437] distribution of order p [439] support of a distribution [441] distributions with compact support [441] 2. Operations on distributions [444] sum [444] product by C(?) function [444] direct product [445] derivations [446] examples [447] inverse derivative [450] 3. Topology on (?) [453] weak star topology [453] criterion of convergence [454] 4. Change of variables in (?) [456] change of variables in (?) [456] transformation of a distribution under a diffeomorphism [457] invariance [459] 5. Convolution [459] convolution algebra (?) [459] convolution algebra (?) and (?) [462] derivation and translation of a convolution product [464] regularization [465] support of a convolution [465] equations of convolution [466] differential equation with constant coefficients [469] systems of convolution equations [470] kernels [471] 6. Fourier transform [474] Fourier transform ofintegrable functions [474] tempered distributions [476] Fourier transform of tempered distributions [476] Paley-Wiener theorem [477] Fourier transform of a convolution [478] 7. Distribution on a (?) paracompact manifold [480] 8. Tensor distributions [482] C. Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations [486] 1. Sobolev spaces [486] properties [487] density theorems [488] (?) spaces [489] Fourier transform [490] Plancherel theorem [490] Sobolev's inequalities [491] 2. Partial differential equations [492] definitions [492] Cauchy-Kovalevski theorem [493] classifications [494] 3. Elliptic equations; laplacians [495] elementary solution of Laplace's equation [495] subharmonic distributions [496] potentials [496] energy integral. Green's formula, unicity theorem [499] Liouville's theorem [500] boundary-value problems [502] Green function [503] introduction to hilbertian methods; generalized Dirichlet problem [505] hilbertian methods [507] example: Neumann problem [509] 4. Parabolic equations[510] heat diffusion [510] 5. Hyperbolic equation; wave equations [511] elementary solution of the wave equation [511] Cauchy problem [512] energy integral, unicity theorem [513] existence theorem [515] 6. Leray theory of hyperbolic systems [516] 7. Second order systems; propagators [522] Problems and Exercises [525] Problem 1: Bounded distributions [525] Problem 2: Laplacian of a discontinuous function [527] Exercise 3: Regularized functions [528] Problem 4: Application to the Schrodinger equation [528] Exercise 5: Convolution and linear continuous responses [530] Problem 6: Fourier transforms of exp(?) and exp(?) [531] Problem 7: Fourier transforms of Heaviside functions and (?) [532] Problem 8: Dirac bitensors [533] Problem 9: Legendre condition [533] Problem 10: Hyperbolic equations; characteristics [534] Problem 11: Electromagnetic shock waves [535] Problem 12: Elementary solution of the wave equation [538] Problem 13: Elementary kernels of the harmonic oscillator [538] VII. Differentiable Manifolds, Infinite Dimensional Case [543] A. Infinite-Dimensional Manifolds [543] 1. Definitions and general properties [543] E -manifolds [543] differentiable functions [544] tangent vector [544] vector and tensor field [545] differential of amapping [546] submanifold [547] immersion, embedding, submersion [549] flow of a vector field [551] differential forms [551] 2. Symplectic structures and hamiltonian systems [552] definitions [552] complex structures [552] canonical symplectic form [554] symplectic transformation [554] hamiltonian vector field [554] conservation of energy theorem [555] riemannian manifolds [555] B. Theory of Degree; Leray-Schauder Theory [556] 1. Definition for finite dimensional manifolds [557] degree [557] integral formula for the degree of a function [558] continuous mappings [560] 2. Properties and applications [561] fundamental theorem [561] Borsuk's theorem [562] Brouwer's fixed point theorem [562] product theorem [563] 3. Leray-Schauder theory [563] definitions [563] compact mappings [564] degree of a compact mapping [564] Schauder fixed point theorem [565] Leray-Schauder theorem [565] C. Morse Theory [567] 1. Introduction [567] 2. Definitions and theorems [567] 3. Index of a critical point [571] 4. Critical neck theorem [572] D. Cylindrical Measures, Wiener Integral [573] 1. Introduction [573] 2. Promeasures and measures on a locally convex space [575] projective system [575] promeasures [576] image of apromeasure [578] integration with respect to apromeasure of a cylindrical function [578] Fourier transforms [579] 3. Gaussian promeasures [581] gaussian measures on (?) [581] gaussian promeasures [582] gaussian promeasures on Hilbert spaces [583] 4. The Wiener measure [583] Wiener integral [586] sequential Wiener integral [587] Problems and Exercises [589] Problem A: The Klein-Gordon equation [589] Problem B: Application of the Leray-S chauder theorem [591] Problem C1 : The Reeb theorem [592] Problem C2: The method of stationary phase [593] Problem D1: A metric on the space of paths with fixed end points [596] Problem D2: Measures invariant under translation [597] Problem D3: Cylindrical ст-field of C([a,b]) [597] Problem D4: Generalized Wiener integral of a cylindrical function [598] References [603] Symbols [611] Index [617] |
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