Newtonian physics

Автор(ы):Crowell B.
Год изд.:1998
Описание: If you drop your shoe and a coin side by side, they hit the ground at the same time. Why doesn't the shoe get there first, since gravity is pulling harder on it? How does the lens of your eye work, and why do your eye's muscles need to squash its lens into different shapes in order to focus on objects nearby or far away? These are the kinds of questions that physics tries to answer about the behavior of light and matter, the two things that the universe is made of.
Newtonian physics Обложка книги.
Preface [13]
A Note to the Student Taking Calculus
    Concurrently [14]
0 Introduction and Review [15]
  0.1 The Scientific Method [15]
  0.2 What Is Physics? [17]
  0.3 How to Learn Physics [20]
  0.4 Self-Evaluation [22]
  0.5 Basics of the Metric System [22]
  0.6 The Newton, the Metric Unit of Force [25]
  0.7 Less Common Metric Prefixes [26]
  0.8 Scientific Notation [27]
  0.9 Conversions [28]
  0.10 Significant Figures [30]
    Summary [32]
    Homework Problems [33
1 Scaling and Order-of-Magnitude Estimates [35]
  1.1 Introduction [35]
  1.2 Scaling of Area and Volume [37]
  1.3 Scaling Applied to Biology [44]
  1.4 Order-of-Magnitude Estimates [47]
    Summary [50]
    Homework Problems [50]
    Motion in One Dimension [53]
2 Velocity and Relative
    Motion [54]
  2.1 Types of Motion [54]
  2.2 Describing Distance and Time [57]
  2.3 Graphs of Motion; Velocity [60]
  2.4 The Principle of Inertia [64]
  2.5 Addition of Velocities [67]
  2.6 Graphs of Velocity Versus Time [69]
  2.7 (?) Applications of Calculus [69]
    Summary [71]
    Homework Problems [72]
3 Acceleration and Free
    Fall [75]
  3.1 The Motion of Falling Objects [75]
  3.2 Acceleration [78]
  3.3 Positive and Negative Acceleration [81]
  3.4 Varying Acceleration [84]
  3.5 The Area Under the Velocity-Time Graph [87]
  3.6 Algebraic Results for Constant Acceleration [89]
  3.7 Biological Effects of Weightlessness [91]
  3.8 (?) Applications of Calculus [93]
    Summary [94]
    Homework Problems [95]
4 Force and Motion [99]
  4.1 Force [99]
  4.2 Newton's First Law [102]
  4.3 Newton's Second Law [106]
  4.4 What Force Is Not [108]
  4.5 Inertial and Noninertial Frames of Reference [110]
    Summary [112]
    Homework Problems [113]
5 Analysis of Forces [115]
  5.1 Newton's Third Law [115]
  5.2 Classification and Behavior of Forces [120]
  5.3 Analysis of Forces [126]
  5.4 Transmission of Forces by Low-Mass Objects [128]
  5.5 Objects Under Strain [130]
  5.6 Simple Machines: The Pulley [131]
    Summary [132]
    Homework Problems [133]
    Motion in Three Dimensions [137]
6 Newton's Laws in Three Dimensions [137]
  6.1 Forces Have No Perpendicular Effects [137]
  6.2 Coordinates and Components [140]
  6.3 Newton's Laws in Three Dimensions [142]
    Summary [144]
    Homework Problems [145]
7 Vectors [147]
  7.1 Vector Notation [147]
  7.2 Calculations with Magnitude and Direction [150]
  7.3 Techniques for Adding Vectors [153]
  7.4 Unit Vector Notation [154]
  7.5 Rotational Invariance [154]
    Summary [155]
    Homework Problems [156]
8 Vectors and Motion [157]
  8.1 The Velocity Vector [158]
  8.2 The Acceleration Vector [159]
  8.3 The Force Vector and Simple Machines [162]
  8.4 J Calculus With Vectors [163]
    Summary [165]
    Homework Problems [166]
9 Circular Motion [169]
  9.1 Conceptual Framework for Circular Motion [169]
  9.2 Uniform Circular Motion [174]
  9.3 Nonuniform Circular Motion [177]
    Summary [178]
    Homework Problems [179]
10 Gravity [183]
  10.1 Kepler's Laws [184]
  10.2 Newton's Law of Gravity [185]
  10.3 Apparent Weightlessness [190]
  10.4 Vector Addition of Gravitational Forces [191]
  10.5 Weighing the Earth [193]
  10.6 Evidence for Repulsive Gravity [196]
    Summary [197]
    Homework Problems [198]
Exercises [203]
Solutions to Selected Problems [211]
Glossary [217]
Mathematical Review [219]
Trig Tables [220]
Index [221]
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