Vibrations and waves

Автор(ы):Crowell B.
Год изд.:1999
Описание: This resource is a free introductory textbook on the topic of Vibrations and Waves. It is part of the Light and Matter series of textbooks designed for high school and college students with little or no calculus background. The author uses a combination of functional language and real-life examples to introduce the user to vibration, sine waves and simple harmonic motion, wave classifications, and properties/behaviors of both free and bound waves. Applications of calculus are treated in optional sections at the end of certain chapters. Text materials are appropriate for crossover teachers, who may desire a refresher on certain topics.
Vibrations and waves Обложка книги.
1 Vibrations [11]
  1.1 Period, Frequency, and Amplitude [12]
  1.2 Simple Harmonic Motion [14]
  1.3 Proofs [16]
    Summary [18]
    Homework Problems [19]
2 Resonance [21]
  2.1 Energy in Vibrations [22]
  2.2 Energy Lost From Vibrations [24]
  2.3 Putting Energy Into Vibrations [26]
  2.4 Proofs [33]
    Summary [36]
    Homework Problems [37]
3 Free Waves [39]
  3.1 Wave Motion [40]
  3.2 Waves on a String [44]
  3.3 Sound and Light Waves [48]
  3.4 Periodic Waves [50]
  3.5 The Doppler Effect [54]
    Summary [58]
    Homework Problems [59]
4 Bounded Waves [61]
  4.1 Reflection, Transmission, and Absorption [62]
  4.2 Quantitative Treatment of Reflection [67]
  4.3 Interference Effects [70]
  4.4 Waves Bounded on Both Sides [72]
    Summary [77]
    Homework Problems [78]
Exercises [79]
Glossary [81]
Index [83]
Photo Credits [85]
Useful Data [92]
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