Electricity and magnetism

Автор(ы):Crowell B.
Год изд.:1999
Описание: This is a text on electricity and magnetism for an introductory college physics class. The treatment is algebra-based, with applications of calculus discussed in optional sections. This book is part of the Light and Matter series of introductory physics textbooks. The book consists of several parts: Electricity and the Atom; The Nucleus; Circuits; Fields of Force; Electromagnetism. The book also contains exercises, solutions and glossary.
Electricity and magnetism Обложка книги.
1 Electricity and the Atom [15]
2 The Nucleus [41]
3 Circuits, Part 1 [71]
4 Circuits, Part 2 [95]
5 Fields of Force [109]
6 Electromagnetism [127]
Exercises [147]
Solutions [153]
Glossary [155]
Index [157]

Preface [13]
1 Electricity and the Atom [15]
  1.1 The Quest for the Atomic Force [16]
  1.2 Charge, Electricity and Magnetism [18]
  1.3 Atoms [22]
  1.4 Quantization of Charge [28]
  1.5 The Electron [31]
  1.6 The Raisin Cookie Model of the Atom [35]
    Summary [37]
    Homework Problems [38]
2 The Nucleus [41]
  2.1 Radioactivity [41]
  2.2 The Planetary Model of the Atom [45]
  2.3 Atomic Number [48]
  2.4 The Structure of Nuclei [52]
  2.5 The Strong Nuclear Force, Alpha Decay and Fission [56]
  2.6 The Weak Nuclear Force; Beta Decay [58]
  2.7 Fusion [61]
  2.8 Nuclear Energy and Binding Energies [62]
  2.9 Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation [65]
  2.10 The Creation of the Elements [67]
    Summary [69]
    Homework Problems [70]
3 Circuits, Parti [71]
  3.1 Current [72]
  3.2 Circuits [75]
  3.3 Voltage [76]
  3.4 Resistance [80]
  3.5 Current-Conducting Properties of Materials [87]
  3.6 (?) Applications of Calculus [90]
    Summary [91]
    Homework Problems [92]
4 Circuits, Part 2 [95]
  4.1 Schematics [96]
  4.2 Parallel Resistances and the Junction Rule [97]
  4.3 Series Resistances [101]
    Summary [105]
    Homework Problems [106]
5 Fields of Force [109]
  5.1 Why Fields? [110]
  5.2 The Gravitational Field [112]
  5.3 The Electric Field [114]
  5.4 (?) Voltage for Nonuniform Fields [120]
  5.5 Two or Three Dimensions [121]
  5.6 (?) Field of a Continuous Charge Distribution [123]
    Summary [119]
    Homework Problems [120]
6 Electromagnetism [127]
  6.1 The Magnetic Field [128]
  6.2 Calculating Magnetic Fields and Forces [126]
  6.3 Induction [132]
  6.4 Electromagnetic Waves [136]
  6.5 Calculating Energy in Fields [138]
  6.6 Symmetry and Handedness [142]
    Summary [143]
    Homework Problems [144]
Exercises [149]
Solutions [155]
Glossary [157]
Index [159]
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