
Автор(ы):Crowell B.
Год изд.:1999
Описание: A Creative Commons-licensed physics textbook by Benjamin Crowell. This is a text on optics for an introductory college physics class. The treatment is algebra-based, with applications of calculus discussed in optional sections. This book is part of the Light and Matter series of introductory physics textbooks, and consists of several parts: The Ray Model of Light; Images by Reflection; Refraction and Images; Wave Optics. Science Tutorial textbook science tutorial physics optics...
Optics Обложка книги.
1 The Ray Model of Light [11]
  1.1 The Nature of Light [12]
  1.2 Interaction of Light with Matter [15]
  1.3 The Ray Model of Light [17]
  1.4 Geometry of Specular Reflection [20]
  1.5 The Principle of Least Time for Reflection [22]
    Summary [23]
    Homework Problems [24]
2 Images by Reflection, Part I [25]
  2.1 AVirtual Image [26]
  2.2 Curved Mirrors [27]
  2.3 AReal Image [28]
  2.4 Images of Images [29]
    Summary [31]
    Homework Problems [32]
3 Images by Reflection, Part II [33]
  3.1 A Real Image Formed by an Inbending Mirror [34]
  3.2 Other Cases With Curved Mirrors [37]
  3.3 Aberrations [41]
    Summary [43]
    Homework Problems [44]
4 Refraction and Images [45]
  4.1 Refraction [46]
  4.2 Lenses [52]
  4.3 The Lensmaker's Equation [54]
  4.4 Refraction and the Principle of Least Time [54]
    Summary [55]
    Homework Problems [56]
5 Wave Optics [59]
  5.1 Diffraction [60]
  5.2 Scaling of Diffraction [61]
  5.3 The Correspondence Principle [62]
  5.4 Huygens' Principle [63]
  5.5 Double-Slit Diffraction [64]
  5.6 Repetition [68]
  5.7 Single-Slit Diffraction [69]
  5.8 (?) The Principle of Least Time [72]
    Summary [73]
    Homework Problems [74]
Exercises [77]
Solutions to Selected Problems [85]
Glossary [87]
Index [89]
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