The modern revolution in physics

Автор(ы):Crowell B.
Год изд.:2000
Описание: This is a text for an introductory college physics class, covering special relativity and basic quantum physics. The treatment is algebra-based, with applications of calculus discussed in optional sections. Topics that are addressed in the book: Relativity; Rules of Randomness; Light as a Particle; Matter as a Wave; The Atom. This book is part of the Light and Matter series of introductory physics textbooks.
The modern revolution in physics Обложка книги.
1 Relativity, Part I [11]
2 Relativity, Part II [29]
3 Rules of Randomness [45]
4 Light as a Particle [63]
5 Matter as a Wave [77]
6 The Atom [97]

1 Relativity, Part I [11]
  1.1 The Principle of Relativity [12]
  1.2 Distortion of Time and Space [13]
  1.3 Applications [20]
    Summary [26]
    Homework Problems [27]
2 Relativity, Part II [29]
  2.1 Invariants [30]
  2.2 Combination of Velocities [30]
  2.3 Momentum and Force [32]
  2.4 Kinetic Energy [33]
  2.5 Equivalence of Mass and Energy [35]
  2.6 Proofs [38]
    Summary [40]
    Homework Problems [41]
3 Rules of Randomness [45]
  3.1 Randomness Isn't Random [46]
  3.2 Calculating Randomness [47]
  3.3 Probability Distributions [50]
  3.4 Exponential Decay and Half-Life [53]
  3.5 (?) Applications of Calculus [58]
    Summary [60]
    Homework Problems [61]
4 Light as a Particle [63]
  4.1 Evidence for Light as a Particle [64]
  4.2 How Much Light Is One Photon? [65]
  4.3 Wave-Particle Duality [69]
  4.4 Photons in Three Dimensions [73]
    Summary [74]
    Homework Problems [75]
5 Matter as a Wave [77]
  5.1 Electrons as Waves [78]
  5.2 (?) Dispersive Waves [82]
  5.3 Bound States [84]
  5.4 The Uncertainty Principle and Measurement [86]
  5.5 Electrons in Electric Fields [90]
  5.6 (?) The Schrodinger Equation [91]
    Summary [94]
    Homework Problems [95]
6 The Atom [97]
  6.1 Classifying States [98]
  6.2 Angular Momentum in Three Dimensions [99]
  6.3 The Hydrogen Atom [101]
  6.4 Energies of States in Hydrogen [104]
  6.5 Electron Spin [106]
  6.6 Atoms With More Than One Electron [107]
    Summary [109]
    Homework Problems [110]
Exercises [113]
Solutions to Selected Problems [117]
Glossary [119]
Index [121]
Photo Credits [125]
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