NRL plasma formulary

Автор(ы):Huba J. R.
Год изд.:2000
Описание: «When any of the formulas and data in this collection are referenced in research publications, it is suggested that the original source be cited rather than the Formulary. Most of this material is well known and, for all practical purposes, is in the "public domain." Numerous colleagues and readers, too numerous to list by name, have helped in collecting and shaping the Formulary into its present form; they are sincerely thanked for their efforts. The books and articles cited below are intended primarily not for the purpose of giving credit to the original workers, but to guide the reader to sources containing related material and to indicate where to find derivations, explanations, examples, etc., which have been omitted from this compilation.»
NRL plasma formulary Обложка книги.
Numerical and Algebraic [3]
Vector Identities [4]
Differential Operators in Curvilinear Coordinates [6]
Dimensions and Units [10]
International System (SI) Nomenclature [13]
Metric Prefixes [13]
Physical Constants (SI) [14]
Physical Constants (cgs) [16]
Formula Conversion [18]
Maxwell's Equations [19]
Electricity and Magnetism [20]
Electromagnetic Frequency/Wavelength Bands [21]
AC Circuits [22]
Dimensionless Numbers of Fluid Mechanics [23]
Shocks [26]
Fundamental Plasma Parameters [28]
Plasma Dispersion Function [30]
Collisions and Transport [31]
Approximate Magnitudes in Some Typical Plasmas [40]
Ionospheric Parameters [42]
Solar Physics Parameters [43]
Thermonuclear Fusion [44]
Relativistic Electron Beams [46]
Beam Instabilities [48]
Lasers [50]
Atomic Physics and Radiation [52]
Atomic Spectroscopy [58]
References [61]
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